Rich Brown

Rich Brown is president and co-founder of Leftwich Global Protective Services

The security industry has been shaped and reshaped by billion-dollar acquisitions. During such mergers, teams and departments are reorganized and restructured. Account managers are often cut and, as a result, many protectees feel neglected, abandoned, and otherwise underserved by such companies.

We believe the most effective way to combat this issue is to create a corporate structure with a Distributed Operations philosophy and methodology. Simply put, we believe in recruiting and training outstanding young Team Leaders and giving them the responsibility, authority, and resources, to meet the needs (and exceed the expectations) of the clients they’re responsible for and to grow our organization throughout the world.

With 8 years of active duty service in the United States Marine Corps, including leading troops in combat overseas, advising foreign military and police, and teaching Marine Corps officers and officers of foreign militaries in subjects from hand-to-hand combat to heavy weapon systems, leadership, and tactics, Brown’s passion for leadership and personal responsibility have served as the impetus to keep his business projects flourishing. His 10 years of experience in private security services industry include management, consulting, personnel training, and team building.

Brown oversees Leftwich Global’s operations in Virginia, Washington DC, and Maryland; recruiting and leading a distributed network of highly trained security officers who are well mannered, physically fit and confident. Brown’s biggest priorities are to recruit combat veterans and cultivate lasting and meaningful relationships with all of our clients.